A blog space for the Clark University Class of 1967 to remember days gone by, catch up with friends you can never forget and hear about plans for the 50th Reunion.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Greetings Members of the class of 1967

As a way of jump-starting our 50th college reunion, I'd like to propose that we each post a couple of sentences to re-introduce ourselves and/or post a photo....maybe of where we live, our families, or a particularly exciting travel pic. I guess I'll go first. My first real job was in Baltimore MD as a research scientist. My second job was in Oklahoma City (and, no, it was NOT with the rodeo). And now we live in Palm Springs CA. Putting location and job title together, my email handle is "desert.ratking". I'm attaching a photo of Joshua Tree National Park located about 45 minutes away from home. Larry Fechter

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